AISL 학부연구생 모집

작성자 : 이석원

Research positions for graduate study and undergraduate internships are now open.

We want {highly motivated students} who are actively exploring research and share new findings with us.

The research topics include, but not limited to,

  • control, and broad applications to UAS including UAVs, UGVs, missiles, launch vehicles, spacecraft, mobile robots, etc.

For more details, please refer to Research Interests.

If you are interested in our lab and research, please contact Prof. Seokwon Lee via e-mail with your relevant information as below.

FOR Graduate Study & Undergraduate internship (When Application)

  • Brief CV
    • Your research interests and related skills
    • Your objectives (including your aspirations after completing your graduate degree)
    • Information on relevant experiences (including personal/group projects, internships, or work experience)

Looking forward to exploring with you.
